
My primary intent for writing these articles is to share ideas, experiences and observations which may help awaken or energize the readers inate ability to recognize and expand their appreciation of creative art.
All too often our perception of a creative expression seems to stop at the limits of an Objective Reality. Our center of interest and appreciation doesn't go beyond what the physical senses can recognize and the observer can become totally satisfied with that point of view. However, just by knowing that a different reality exists beyond the constrictions of an Objective Reality we can stimulate our thoughts to look for and then actually experience its presence.
When we enter into the unseen and unlimited arena of the Subjective Reality we become part of an unending, substantive. meaningful activity. Within this Subjective Reality the full depth of both our own individual feelings and ideas as well as those of the artist become available to us.
By understanding the full value of any creative art style from both view points, you can better utilize the boundries of your " perception" of objects or things but you will also be able to experience the freedom and fun of identifying subjective ideas through your own "conception" of art.
My paintings are hanging in the gallery.
You can visit the gallery to get more information and to see more pieces of my work.
To see more you can visit my artist's page on Fine Art America.