Introducing Elamenoes

In keeping with the Welcome message on my website, this article will not only introduce you to Elamenoes but you will also be introduced to my world which is abundantly full of thoughts and thought forms. You will understand how ideas and thoughts can be both images you can see with your eyes as well as images that are beyond your visual arena and why that matters for gaining a better understanding of the arts.
Here is a bit of history about my first encounter with Elamenoes to get started. While drawing random shapes in my sketchbook I began to notice strange repetitive patterns evolving. When I began to refine the lines I could see the shapes could almost be like human forms but not exactly identical to what I would consider a depiction of a person.
As usual, I became quiet inside myself and started think, The word “elamenoe” came strongly to mind. I hadn’t thought of that word for a long time. I was taken way back in time when I was learning to recite the alphabet in the usual singsong style of small children before they were able to actually write the letters. I recalled my unstated question about why there was a pea right in the middle of the alphabet. It wasn’t noticeable when I was writing the letters, only when I would say them. This pea was a particularly ornery pea to me because it always seemed to disturb the syntax of the song. It had a green shape and was always described within the alphabet as an elamenoe pea.
As I began looking at my sketches I realized contemplating a pea was incidental to something of far greater importance. I felt a deep compulsion to find answers to questions appearing within my thinking. Why was there a forever insertion of such a strange word for a pea plunked into the middle of all those symbols of my language? Did it really have anything to do with a pea? Was there a reason for its presence? I began to think it possibly could be some unknown concept patiently waiting to become noticed and acknowledged for what it was and represented. When I gave more value to that realization my thought immediately became connected again to the pencil shapes. The idea presented itself that these could be organisms known as Elamenoes coming to my attention and ready to communicate with any receptive earthling consciousness. I also felt I was obviously ready and willing to learn more about them and maybe someday would share what I learned as a result of this connection. Now is that time.
But before I write more I would like to point out that there is a big difference between imagination and inspiration. Some may think that my visualization of Elamenoes were just my imagination having a good time, which it does have a tendency to do. Imagination is that part of the mind that forms a mental image or concept of something. Like seeing a cloud as a flying alligator.
Inspiration, on the other hand, is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative: such as when a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea becomes a huge motivation needing to be developed more fully and just won’t let you ignore it.
My inspiration here was to start developing a deeper understanding of what could be the unseen justification for this abstract idea of an Elamenoe coming to my thought. How could I translate it into a visible form through my art? I had already translated Elamenoes into a well-recognized human form so I now began adding to their identity by giving them a place of origin. During the process and stage of developing an idea, such as this, I remain aware that I am working to replace thoughts about ideas for images of ideas that can be seen as both subjective and objective realities.
The Elamenoe is from the planet Elamenoe which is in another Galaxy well beyond the comprehension of those on the planet Earth. If the earthling has developed the ability to use a method of communication which is not limited, restricted or bound within the strict confines of the what the five physical senses perceive to be the only reality, then an exchange of ideas and feelings could be developed.
By watching some simple activities of Elamenoes I can better understand more clearly what I have come to observe as a positive, good, but mostly latent and often unrecognized, ability already embedded within our subjective reality as humans. It can be recognized as a loving instinctive nature found in all living creatures on our planet Earth and in our Universe. All that is required for us tap into our unrestricted powerful faculty is to become aware that it exists and that it is OK if we let it direct our thoughts and actions as it replaces any other sense of negative persuasions.
I have been able to experience this unrestricted reality become fulfilled through the medium of painting and bubble over into other forms of creativity and human experiences. That is how and why I was able to assimilate the ideas and thoughts, visible and beyond the visible, during my mental encounter with the Elamenoe concept of reality.
When the Elamenoes and I were of one mind I could sense their pure expressions of peace, innocence, honesty, harmony and loving kindness totally uncontaminated by any opposing force or other influences. For this reason, they always appeared, from my point of view, as pure white. Their entire demeanor was the reflection of all the hues of light spread out in a way that many different colors were never individually evident. The Elamenoe could only be fully recognized as forms of light.
The black background which always accompanied them, from my viewpoint, represented to me the absorption of all color, making it possible to see the Elamenoes as distinct shapes. This black was not darkness or the absence of light but represented an absorption or inclusion of all color in stark contrast to the reflection of all color as light.
Elamenoes and I were able to communicate through an avenue we had in common. This exchange was through color, form, texture and shape expressed in paintings on the visible sphere of consciousness as well as appearing through thoughts and ideas found beyond the earthly visible but also known to be present in all living beings whether they know it or not.
Here are a few visible ideas representing what I learned from these entities.
Elamenoes have been passing through the atmosphere of conflict and discord as well as that of love and happiness coming from Earth but have not given it much attention because they are creatures from an atmosphere where there is nothing but purity, harmony and peace. They were generally aware of an odd separation and mixture of earthly colors and attitudes in general. They could feel the extreme senselessness and apathy combining with sensitiveness and kindness coming from most of the population on Earth. They just flew on past us not being attracted to it and not wanting to remain very long in the intermixtures of the earth atmosphere.
To enlighten me and help me better understand more of what, to them, seemed to be a meaningless activity of earthlings, they revealed this idea as a visible example of how they saw some people on Earth attempting to cope with adversity.
Because Elamenoes are perpetually held within their own atmosphere of purity, peace and harmony they were totally unaware that conflict could ever be a reality. The blue textured shapes are what they used to represent adversity. Such as difficulty, misfortune, mishap, tragedy, distress and the like.
The entity on the bottom left is a fighter. He is continually going after his adversity prepared to beat it up, kick it, and combat it in his own way. All having no effect because he still has his adversity right in front of him.
Above him is an entity that has rolled up his adversity in a ball and is just placidly sitting on it. By putting his adversity under him where he can avoid it and not have to confront it anymore he begins to gnaw on himself while thinking thoughts such as, ”If I had only done this or that differently I wouldn’t have to experience any adversity.” ”I know that all of this was brought about because of the way I reacted to, whatever, and I should have been more, whatever, than I have been.” ”I deserve better than to have such adversity in my life.” ”I should have done or been or claimed my. whatever, in a different way.” All the while he still has his adversity under him.
Then there is the happy dancer oblivious of there even being any adversity to contend with. She is above it all, care free and full of her own uncomplicated activity. But someday she will lose her altitude of thought and come down a bit right in the middle of her ignored dilemma because her unaddressed adversity is still there.
Elamenoes observing two worldly situations: Anarchy, Hierarchy
I was particularly conscious of what appeared as a detached distance the Elamenoes maintained as they were observing earthly experiences. I looked at these paintings illustrating words. This became even more obvious after I had finished painting and began pondering the meaning of their behavior. I now feel more motivated to become aware of how I also should be able to stay within my natural surroundings or atmosphere of undisturbed calm while at the same time I am recognizing examples of chaos around my space.
Like the Elamenoes I have the ability to keep my composure and not let what I am witnessing with my physical senses disturb, alter or affect my real innate existence of peace and harmony.
Is that possible? Yes! But that will be another article.
These paintings are hanging in my gallery.
My paintings are hanging in the gallery.
You can visit the gallery to get more information and to see more pieces of my work.
To see more you can visit my artist's page on Fine Art America.